Sacral Chakra Chakra: Sacral Colour: Orange Element: Water Mantra: Vam Location: Just below your belly button Sanskrit: Svadhishthana Rights: To feel I dentity: Emotional 6 Petals As you go up the chakras, each colour symbolises the rise of consciousness. The Sacral Chakra is the second chakra and it is located just under your belly button. It is associated with creativity, intimacy, intuition, pleasure and relationships. Learning to nurture this area helps us to explore the power of choice and pleasure with intention, discipline and more understanding. Affirmations are a good a...
Root Chakra Colour Of Energy Centre: Red Element: Earth Mantra: Lam Location: Base of spine Sansckrit Name: Muladhara This is the first series of mini blogs based on chakra centres and affirmations. Affirmations are an additional ritual that can be added to your meditation, mantras and different types of movement practices as you are working on yourself and creating your routines. The root chakra is the first out of the seven energy centres, and it helps to harmonise all the other energy centres. I recommend that you revisit this energy centre to help you feel grounded within our often highly stimulating lives. Working on the root chakra encourages us to focus our attention on these areas: Creating safe and secure spaces for your self and others To practice grounding exercises Helps you to work and understand your basic needs Reminds you to continue to nurture stable healthy foundation...