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Waking up with a feeling of gratitude towards life is beneficial for our well being. We all have days where we wake up and struggle to find positivity. Reminding yourself of the good things in life will help encourage healthier thoughts to spread throughout your day.
Empowering Ourselves
The phrase "What you think, you become" holds a lot of truth.  We have to be kinder to ourselves to transform and maintain productive thoughts that serve to empower us.

We also need to acknowledge doubtful and depressing thoughts often stem from other peoples actions or words. When I acknowledged this myself, I knew I had to work on my thoughts to rebuild my inner peace.

To affirm positive thoughts, I do these following things:
·  Meditation is continuing to teach me how to calm my thoughts and bring my attention to the present moment.
·  Singing positive songs can be motivating and has a positive influence on my thoughts and mood.
·  Listening to positive podcasts - I intentionally try to listen to either funny or thought-provoking podcast every day whilst I cook or get ready for the day because I'm conscious about what I feed my mind and thoughts.
·  Socialise - I am a certified homebody and enjoy the comfort of my house but I can appreciate the odd occasion where I meet up with my girlfriends and enjoy a good catch up.
·  Reading is important to me, as I benefit from the mental stimulation and the therapeutic effects. 
·  Keep a journal. This is a good way to express yourself. Whenever I struggle to get things out I write and then reflect on what I have written. I also express my gratitude and write self-affirmations to empower my thoughts.
·  Dancing is truly liberating. I dance away and express free movement which improves my mood instantly.
·  Yoga - Yoga benefits the mind, body, and soul because the practices help to calm anxiety and rapid thoughts through combining meditation, physical exercises and breathing. You also learn to focus on your movements which helps you adapt your strength and flexibility as you practice the sequences in the present moment. 

Mindful thinking is important as our thoughts can serve to empower us. Negative thoughts can be detrimental to our well being. This is why we need to be aware of our inside narratives as our ways of thinking hold power, so be kinder to yourself and mindful of others.
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