Aromatherapy has been practised for thousands of years and has continued to serve us in a variety of ways. The oils are used in medicines, cosmetics, recipes, rituals and spas frequently for their aroma, medicinal, ceremonial and therapeutic benefits. Most recently, essential oils have been used in hospitals as clinical complimentary treatments in patient care. This is a positive sign that shows how marrying modern medicines and holistic services together can greatly help with improving well being. Emotions Our emotions vary and the feelings we experience can unsettle us at times. Essential oils are useful as we can implement them daily to help us with our emotions. There are oils that help to relax, de-stress, boost mood, and stimulate our senses. One of my go-to oils is Frankincense which serves to help with a number of areas. It is an oil that has the potential to balance hormones and can be used to relieve depression and anxiety symptoms. Bod...
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