Age is a touchy subject and most of us feel uncomfortable about it. I can completely relate to feeling like I haven't accomplished enough for my age. It is important to remind ourselves that there is nothing stopping us from still going after what we want and manifesting our dreams. Here are some examples of people who accomplished great achievements later on in their lives: Jk Rowland - 32 Henry Ford - 45 Bethany Frankel - 35 Grandma Moses - 78 Julia Child age - 50 Jane Lynch - 40 Vera Wang - 40 Colonel Sanders - 60 Chris Gardner - 44 Susanne Boyle - 47 Martha Stewart - 40 Growing older rewards us with the gifts of knowledge, growth, wisdom and a sense of maturity. We can sometimes take these gifts for granted. So if you're not where you want to be in life or you are starting to feel your age, try to remember that it gives you an advantage and if you choose to look at it that way, you can let go of what is holding you ba...
Holistic mini blogs.